Saturday, January 4, 2014


  1. Ghil'ad Zuckermann. “Realistic Prescriptivism”: The Academy of the Hebrew Language, its Campaign of “Good Grammar” and Lexpionage, and the Native Israeli Speakers // Israel Studies in Language and Society 1.1: 135-154. Много смешных примеров:

    The story goes that the late linguist Haim Blanc once took his young daughter to see an Israeli production of
    My Fair Lady. In this version, Professor Henry Higgins teaches Eliza Doolittle how to pronounce /r/ "properly", i.e. as the Hebrew alveolar trill, characteristic of Sephardim (cf. Judaeo-Spanish, Italian, Spanish), rather than as the Israeli lax uvular approximant (cf. many Yiddish and German dialects). The line "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" was adapted as barád yarád bi-dróm sfarád ha-érev, lit. 'Hail fell in southern Spain this evening'. At the end of the performance, Blanc's daughter tellingly asked, "Daddy, why was Professor Higgins trying to teach Eliza to speak like our cleaning lady?" (see Zuckermann, 2005). (P.137—138)

  2. С.Ю.Темчин. Кириллический рукописный учебник древнееврейского языка (список XVI в.) и его учебно-методические приемы // Slavistica Vilnensis. 2013. Kalbotyra, 58 (2). С.7—33. Там много интересного. Я не понял пока, насколько это вообще правда, потому что в ивритских цитатах там даются то ашкеназские, то сефардские формы, что ужасно странно.
  3. Hammet. Maltese falcon.
  4. Максикка. Религия восточных славян.

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